Technical Support for Virtuals

This page and its connected pages are intended to provide assistance for TDL virtual customers only (those who have domain names hosted at The Diamond Lane).

Note: Older domain-hosted accounts are on servers which do not support the Virtual Control Panel, and where changing your password or setting up a MySQL database work differently. The areas where the server you are on makes the administration different are marked below with an asterisk(*).

If you would like to move your domain name to one of the newer servers, please call 510-751-3883, TDL Tech Support, to schedule a phone appointment.


• Your Directory
• FAQ about Web Page Design
• Virtual Control Panel *
• Web-Based E-mail*

Working Online

• Pine E-mail*
• Changing Your Password*
• Command Line FTP Commands
• UNIX Commands
• Password Protecting A Directory
• Writing and Using Your Own CGI
• MySQL*

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