WS_FTP Setup

Step 1: Session Properties

WS FTP Session Properties General Tab
Figure 1

Launch the WS_FTP application. You should see the window illustrated above (Figure 1), but most of your fields should be empty. Enter the following information:

  • Profile Name: TDL Web Server
  • Host Name/Address:
  • Host Type: Automatic detect
  • User ID: your login name
  • Password: your password

If you prefer you can check "Save Pwd," which will save your password so you won't have to enter it every time you use WS_FTP. If you share your computer with someone else, you may not want to check that. Make sure that you DO NOT check "Anonymous."

Step 2: Connect

Now you're ready to connect. Click on OK. You'll see a window that looks similar to Figure 2, below:

WS_FTP95 FTP Window
Figure 2

The left hand side window lists is the contents of the current directory of your computer. The right hand side window lists the contents of your home, or the current directory on our server.

Step 3: Uploading Files

First, you should locate the file you want to upload from your computer. Navigate through the directories on your PC in the window on the left, find the your document (or documents) and click to select it.

Now you'll need to change to the public_html directory in your account on our server. It's in the right hand window. Double click it.

You should see something similar to Figure 3, below:

WS_FTP95 FTP Window
Figure 3

Click on the button with the arrow pointing to the right located in the middle of the window. Your document will be uploaded and appear in the right hand side window. You may download just as easily using the right side for source, the left for where you want the files to copy to, and the right to left arrow. Clicking on a file name with the right mouse button will give you another menu of commands such as chmod.

You should see something similar to Figure 4, below:

WS_FTP95 Window after uploading a file
Figure 4

Step 4: Finishing Up

When you have finished, click Close to disconnect from the server, and exit to exit the WS_FTP program.

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